SHR-N21F Reinforced Laptop
SHR-N21F Reinforced Laptop
SHR-N21F Reinforced Laptop
SHR-N21F Reinforced Laptop
SHR-N21F Reinforced Laptop
SHR-N21F Reinforced Laptop
সর্বনিম্ন অর্ডার পরিমাণ:
শিপিং পদ্ধতি:
快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
পরিমাণ (টি):
স্পেসিফিকেশন নম্বর:
পণ্যের বিবরণ
প্রাথমিক বিবরণ
পরিমাণ (টি):1
সর্বনিম্ন অর্ডার পরিমাণ:1
বিতরণের সময়:7 days
পুরোনো ওজন:4.6 kg
শিপিং পদ্ধতি:快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
পরিস্পর্শ সংখ্যা:SHR-N21F
প্যাকেজিং বিবরণ:Carton packaging
পণ্যের বিবরণ

• Functional Features •
Adopt domestic Feitengrui D2000 processor, support domestic Kirin and other operating systems, domestic design, information security and control; 15. 6-inch 1920× 1080 high-resolution LCD screen, high screen occupancy, visible in sunlight; The machine adopts modular design, easy to install and maintain; The connection is rich and functional; Domestic CPU and operating system, high hardware configuration, fast computing; Low power consumption, long battery life; Adopt multiple reinforcement measures, seal design, strong adaptability to the environment

• Application Fields •
It can be used in command and control, exploration and mapping, data acquisition, equipment mapping, communication support and other operations.

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No. 888 Changbai Mountain Road, Qingdao, Shandong, China
