필수 정보
최소 주문 수량:1
납기일:7 days
순 중량:11 kg
배송 방법:快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
규격 번호:SHR-CJ2W
포장 설명:Carton packaging
제품 소개

• Functional Features •
Based on the fanless quiet design concept, more secure and stable reinforcement design platform; Adopt the most advanced seamless connection soft circuit board technology, more flexible standardized module design; It can meet the requirements of powerful data processing, image processing and other command operation application software; The structure size of the product meets the requirements of the standard 19-inch cabinet. Modular design, improve online fast maintenance capabilities. |
• Application Fields •
Can be used in vehicle, airborne, shipboard, field and other harsh environment. |