Temel Bilgiler
Minimum Sipariş Adedi:1
Teslim Süresi:7 days
Net Ağırlık:7 kg
Nakliye Yöntemi:快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
özellik numarası:SHR-PS4ll
Ambalaj Açıklaması:Carton packaging
Ürün Açıklaması

• Functional Features •
The whole machine is complete, reasonable design, modular design, easy to install and maintain; Small size and strong expansion performance, with PCI/ PCI-E expansion slot; Adopt reinforcement treatment measures, with high environmental adaptability; The hardware configuration is high, which can meet the high intensity application software of large data processing and image processing. |
• Application Fields •
It can be used in airborne communication, fire control, surveying and mapping, data acquisition, equipment detection and other operating environments. |