Field workbench
Field workbench
Field workbench
Field workbench
Field workbench
Field workbench
کم سے کم مقدار:
شپنگ کا طریقہ:
快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
مقدار (پیسے):
نمونہ:ادائیگی حمایتنمونے حاصل کریں
مصنوعات کی تفصیلات
عمومی سوالات
اہم تفصیلات
مقدار (پیسے):1
کم سے کم مقدار:1
تسلیم کا وقت:7 days
صاف وزن:250 kg
شپنگ کا طریقہ:快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
پیکیجنگ کی تفصیلات:Carton packaging
مصنوعات کی تفصیلات

• Application Fields
·The height of the outdoor workbench body (including the shock absorber) can be adjusted between 1400mm and 1600mm, with an adjustment time of no more than 1 minute
·The lower part of the central control unit is a telephone installation panel, which can accommodate the installation of three UU telephones (compatible with two models, while only installing three telephones of one model)
·The control framework supports angle adjustment range of left and right display units not less than -30 ℃~+30 ℃, with angle locking function
·The pitch direction angle adjustment range of the display unit's monitor is not less than -30 ℃~+30 ℃, and it has an angle locking function
·Dimensions of the workbench (width x thickness x height): 1600mm ± 6mmx700mm ± 4mmx (1400 ± 6~1600 ± 6) mm (including shock absorbers)
·Base mounting plate size (width x thickness): 600mm ± 4mm x 700mm ± 4mm
·Workbench working voltage: 220V, 50Hz (single-phase)
·Power fluctuation: AC220V (+6%~-10%), 50Hz x (1 ± 5%), equipment can work normally
·Insulation impedance: The insulation resistance of the power cable core wire relative to the casing shall not be less than 100MQ. The insulation resistance between the signal ground and the chassis ground shall not be less than 100MQ
·Grounding impedance: Grounding resistance less than 10m Ω
·Workbench weight: not exceeding 270kg
·Platform protection level: IP56
·The workbench can operate normally without damage at a relative wind speed of 45m/s (perpendicular to the maximum windward side of the workbench)
·Working temperature: -28 ℃~65 ℃
·Storage temperature: -41 ℃~69 ℃
·Damp Heat: Complies with the requirements of GJB150.9A-2009 "Environmental Test Methods for Military Equipment - Damp Heat Test".
·Vibration: Complies with the requirements of GJB150.16A-2009 "Environmental Test Methods for Military Equipment Laboratories - Vibration Test"
·Impact: Complies with the requirements of GJB150.18A-2009 "Environmental Test Methods for Military Equipment Laboratories - Impact Test"
·Salt spray: Complies with the requirements of GJB150.11A-2009 "Environmental Test Methods for Military Equipment Laboratories - Salt Spray Test"
·Mold: Complies with the requirements of GJB150.10A-2009 "Environmental Test Methods for Military Equipment Laboratories - Mold Test"
·Wind pressure: in accordance with the requirements of GJB150.21A-2009 "Wind Pressure Test for Military Equipment Laboratory Environmental Test Methods"
·Electromagnetic compatibility: meets the relevant requirements of GJB151A-97 and GJB1389A-2005

ہمارے نیوز لیٹر کو سبسکرائب کریں۔

Nostrud amet eu ullamco nisi aute in ad minim nostrud adipisicing velit quis. Duis tempor incididunt dolore.

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ٹیم اور شرائط
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ہمیں فالو کریں

Shandong Yingyunbao Energy Co., Ltd.

No. 888 Changbai Mountain Road, Qingdao, Shandong, China
