Asosiy ma'lumotlar
Soni (dona):1
Minimus buyurtma miqdori:1
Yetkazib berish vaqti:7 days
To'g'ri og'irlik:18 kg
Etkazib berish usuli:快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
xususiyat raqami:SHR-CX711
Upakovochniy ta'rif:Carton packaging
Mahsulot ta'rif

• Functional Features •
High degree of modular design, flexible circuit line connection and external connection with the controller board, multi-function CPCI backplane from the main design, easy maintenance of power and storage module, 17-inch bright LED LCD screen, can meet the indoor and outdoor display requirements, with high reliability, good maintenance, environmental adaptability and other characteristics |
• Application Fields •
Can be used in vehicle, airborne, shipboard, field and other harsh environment. |