Asosiy ma'lumotlar
Soni (dona):1
Minimus buyurtma miqdori:1
Yetkazib berish vaqti:7 days
Etkazib berish usuli:快递, 空运, 陆运, 海运
Upakovochniy ta'rif:Carton packaging
Mahsulot ta'rif

Hong Kong Yifeng Shipping 78 meter floating crane vessel

SAIC Anji Logistics 800PCC Car Roll on/Roll off Ship

Hong Kong Yifeng Shipping 78 meter floating crane vessel

Chile 1900m ³ live fish boat

Sinopec air gun source ship

Fiji ocean beneficiation vessel

According to the needs of customers, the enterprise , which has successfuly developed to build the self-un-loading coal carier, electric propulsion ferry boat, LNG filing ship, oil field detecting ship, water quality surveilanceship, pilot boat, strait ro-ro ship, LPG carrier, harbor water supply ship and other special purpose ships, shows astrong research and development innovation ability. |